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Free Resources for a better life:

Hi I'm Diana Ruiz. I created this page to share things I've learned that have helped me through traumas in life, grief, stress, physical pain.  Life can be hard sometimes and if I can share something that makes your road a bit better then I have served my purpose, Reach out anytime via email if you have any questions. Shalom

Diana E Ruiz, Author, Stress Relief/Pain Relief Coach, Grief Recovery Method Speicalist


Knowing how to access a relaxed calm in your everyday life is important.

Your positive kind words are powerfully healing. Use this cheat sheet to help relax about an issue that is causing you to lose sleep or taking up headspace. Intend to have a new relaxing perspective.

Downloadable Relaxation Cheat Sheet **


If you feel stuck and overwhelmed in a situation and need clarity in an area of life this exercise will help. You can also find a Downloadable Clarity Cheat Sheet here**


**no email required

When my eldest daughter passed away from cancer in 2018 I experienced excruciating pain in my  heart and soul and a heaviness in my body that nothing could relieve. I tried EVERYTHING and was still left wanting and hurting.


After four months and much prayer and searching for relief I discovered a book "The Grief Recovery Handbook" which had practical steps to heal your heart after loss. I felt immediate relief from the crushing weight I had been feeling for months. After taking those action steps relief was so profound that I became a Grief Recovery Method Specialist. Read More...



If you have any questions after reading the book and going through the exercises or want to know more about the process contact me at 

I learned this simple prayer that is very powerful each time I use it I am surprised at the results.

Follow the steps in the Downloadable version of this prayer**


**no email required


Our kind, positive and healing words to ourselves are very powerful. Unfortunately we rarely say them when we are in pain. Find a quiet place, use the downloadable cheat sheet and take this opportunity treat yourself to them. 

 Downloadable Cheat Sheet**


**no email required 


Chronic Health Issues



If you are struggling with chronic health issues I recommend this empowering video by


Andrew Wommack; Founder of Healing University and Charis Bible College.


I found it after searching for Gods help with a nasty skin ulcer I developed after my eldest daughter passed away. For four years it persisted no matter what I tried and began healing a few short months after understanding the powerful teaching in the video below.

If you or a loved one have been searching for the same this will be profoundly helpful.


VIDEO Teaching for Healing









If you need healing watch this video it will help you. - it helped me




I now hold virtual and in person gatherings to share this video in the hopes others will be empowered with healing. 

If you would like to be sent an invitation just send a request to

I have used this prayer line many times for myself, friends and family. There are kind and wonderful people on the other end of the line: Charis Bible College Prayer line 24/7
charis prayer_edited.jpg
God's Promises (free Download)

If you have received list of my favorite promises of God I have provided a full list as a free download. There are over 3000 wonderful promises of God in the bible. This is short list.


​​Click this link to download 365 Promises

No need to enter any information.


​​Thanks to the Log Church for compiling this.


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Powerful Teachings for Everyday Life

In my travels I meet many people who have questions about pressing concerns. If we have had a conversation...this is for you. I like to share what I have benefitted from. I have enjoyed Andrew Wommacks practical teachings.  Find a topic that speaks to you.  Healing, Stress, Believers Authority, Finances etc.

If you are dealing with a serious issue you can call for prayer 719-635-1111 their line is open 24/7


Click this Link to access Free Teachings

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